29 November 2007
Beverage Warning
27 November 2007
Why DRM is worth fighting over
23 November 2007
Another Switch
As part of the switch from OS X to Ubuntu, I've lost iTunes, and thus can't listen to all the DRM-infected music I bought from the iTunes store.Since I bought more than 3 Gigs of music from Apple, that really p*ssed me off.But rather than strip the DRM from the music (which is now illegal--thanks to the U.S. Congress), or try to run iTunes via Wine, I've simply switched to a different music service: eMusic.eMusic runs on subscriptions, meaning for $10 a month I can download 30 DRM-free MP3 files from their library. That's one-third of the price of songs on iTunes, and once I've downloaded the music I can burn 'em to disk, move them from computer to computer, or do anything else (non-commercial) I feel like. It's a simple, straightforward, consumer-friendly (and legal) way to download music.Why doesn't iTunes work like this?
12 November 2007
The Nerd Handbook
09 November 2007
Now With 50% More Open-Source
02 November 2007
Short Book Reviews: Heart-Shaped Box
Title: Heart-Shaped BoxAuthor: Joe HillSynopsis: Ageing rock star purchases a ghost for a laugh; then finds the ghost is not only real, but wants revenge.Cheers: Smooth, flowing prose style. Scary without relying on shock.Jeers: None.Quirks: Several passages describing the haunting could also be used to describe the Hypnagogia sleep disorder. Does Mr. Hill suffer from Hypnagogia, or know someone who does?Bottom Line: Buy this modern ghost story, but don't read it alone in a dark house.
01 November 2007
Religious crazy vs the Troops
Apparently the only counter-force to crazy American fundamentalist Christians is the urge to support the troops: a Baltimore judge just ordered a church to pay $1 million in damages to the father of an Army Lance Corporal killed in Iraq.
The church members drove all the way from Kansas to attend the kid's funeral and hold up such uplifting, Christian signs as "God hates fags," and "Thank God for dead troops." Really, who would Christ persecute?
Now I'm no fan of the war, but I don't want to see any more American troops die; that's why I'd like them brought home. Contrary to the what article says, these people aren't "protesting," they're co-opting the death of someone's son to push a message of hate. Isn't that what Republicans accuse liberals of doing all the time? So how many righties are going to come out and chastise these people? Or will they keep giving airtime to Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and others who cloak their prejudice in righteousness?
Too Weird to Not be True
I can't make this kind of stuff up, people: the CEO of Budget Hotels (yes, those hotels) is building a series of inflatable space habitats to put into orbit.
Even weirder: he's apparently already got two inflatable spacecraft up there.