22 December 2007

Moving Once More

I'm moving the blog again, this time to my own web domain: mindbat.com.

I swear, this is the last move, guys. I'm settling in to full control of my own site, and planning to expand it's offerings yet again.

So pack your comment bags, and join me over at the new site!

19 December 2007

Oh, the Irony!

I was just thinking how many cool web domain names are already taken, when I wondered, "What if you had a site with the name www.allthegoodnamesaretaken.com? Wouldn't that be ironic and hip?"

It turns out someone beat me to the irony, but left out the hip: that domain name is being squatted on by some nameless company.

05 December 2007

Hubble to get New Eyes

The New York Times reports that the Hubble will be serviced one more time next year.

This is great news, since this mission (scheduled to take place years ago) was canceled after the Shuttle Columbia disaster.

I had the chance to work on one of the instruments going up to Hubble--the Wide Field Camera 3--while working at NASA, and I'm glad to see the mission's going forward.

03 December 2007

Amazon has WMD?

Apparently, Amazon is now selling Uranium-238

Get yours now, while Nigerian supplies last!